Some of my Views based on my experiences:
These ideas are based on my views while trying to understand the world, my experiences with people, my views about purpose of human life; ones duties towards family, society or living creatures, and my experiments with different things. These ideas are an attempt give you insight in to me and reflect my thoughts and my way of life.
1) Education improves a person’s aptitude, but not attitude. It can never make a person good human being, it’s up to the persons conscience whether to be good or bad.
Explanation: Education improves the ability of person to think of new problems, to find new solutions, ability to solve problems faster and more efficiently, gives approach to think in the right directions (All come under aptitude). It never teaches humanity, morals or ethics. These things cannot be taught! They are all influenced by the way of persons thinking, introspection, and experience.
2) I am a vegetarian, i can justify killing for survival, but not killing of an innocent creature (god creates we people find pleasure in destroying) just to satisfy your taste buds. What we eat is secondary... What we do is more important… I too believe that god has given human beings more power than other living creatures, not to show off their power by slaughtering /killing weaker living creatures (sometimes suppressing of weaker human beings) but to protect them (bible).
3)Some people think being spiritual person is of no use, better to do something practical, but i don’t think so, every person has some spiritual ethos imbibed in him over a period of time which he does not realize himself; but reflect in his day to day life.
4) Intelligence is not enough; one needs self control, ability to think what’s bad and what’s good, morality and humanity.
5) Education never makes a person "great,” neither his intelligence, nor his smartness. It’s his work that makes the person great.
Explanation: Generally when we find an intelligent person we say “oh, he is gr8, he is so intelligent”, but that hardly makes sense. Intelligence is a gods (Natures – who are atheist) gift which comes from birth. At micro-level i can say it depends on the cells and neurons in your brain and the chemicals generated by them which determine intelligence, memory etc. Further I can say it depends on a single strand of DNA inherited by you which contains most of the information about your life (From beauty, color and height to intelligence, memory and diseases). So a person need not be called “great,” just because the cells in his brain produce right amount of chemicals, or he inherited the right DNA. He cannot be called “great” unless his deeds are great. Obviously his deeds should be proportional to his intelligence, which requires”hard work”, otherwise there is no point in his being intelligent.
6)99.9 % people live in virtual world, society in which everyone(including himself) tries to conceal their actual identity and create a public image of themselves which is different from what they really are and the society knows them with their public image as long as their actual identity is not revealed.
Explanation: I know a few people who are well respected in society, people know them for their pious deeds, but very few people know the story behind cover, very few know their actual character and what they do or have done behind their mask. It’s like a thief does not become a thief unless he is caught stealing. Not being caught doesn’t mean he is a “good guy”. A person who steals may not be known as thief unless he is accused ; whereas a person falsely implicated in a criminal case will turn a criminal in the eyes of society, though he is a “good guy”.
7)99% problems are created by human beings for when the nature is calm and there are no natural calamities, Human beings tend to start creating problems for themselves.
Explanation: Human beings are responsible for creating most of the problems; problems created by nature are not even 1%, Murders, Corruption, Rapes, Terrorism, Sufferings due to addiction, crimes are deliberately done by human beings. Very few will happen by errors like rail accidents. And still less by natural calamities. It’s the human beings who like to create problems when they don’t exist.
8) Every person should live the way he wants. People need not have problem unless his actions affect live life in your own way but see that it doesn’t affect others.
Explanation: Sometimes we will criticize or make fun of people even if we don’t know them, or even when we should not be really considered, but most people have this tendency. Unless some one does anything wrong to you or society, you need not be bothered, you too can live life the way you want unless it affects others.
9) Some people think animals are not intelligent, so do not feel pain, but i believe some of their senses are far more developed then humans and share most traits of human beings; they have emotions, helpfulness, pain, friendship and sacrifice.
When they forget the statement of Charles Darwin "the Lower animals, like man, manifestly feel pleasure, pain, happiness and misery”. ~Charles Darwin
10) Every person thinks that he is always correct; whatever he does & thinks is the right way. He wants others to be exactly like him: think, work, eat, talk, behave like him; and will not like when "some1" is too diff from him, but very few have the cogitating power to think and understand why "some1" is "different", what made "some1" different...or think y he (himself) is different from that "some1" rather than y "some1" is diff then him, very few will try to introspect (Introspect: Reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings) and "think" whether his own "thinking" is correct.
11) Happiness is relative for human beings and absolute for animals.
Explanation: animals will be happy when they get food; they won’t bother about what other animals are eating or how much they have got. Most Human beings live a comparative life. They will see what others have got before feeling happy or sad. The criterion of their happiness is, they want to get more than what others have got (relative) and not whether they have got exactly what they wanted to get (absolute).
12) Do what u want in life, its ur life; live it the way you want, but don’t trouble others.
13) Don’t comment on someone u don’t know properly, If u really want to comment try to know him/her first.
14) What is moral may not be legal, what is legal may not be moral, prostitution can be made legal but can it be moral?
15) Sometimes i wonder why is it that some illiterates are far better than some highly educated ppl with respect to attitude, ethics, and morality and are very logical too.
16) Being Intelligent by itself is never great thing; its not necessary either that intelligent people should reach gr8 heights; some intelligent people have used their intelligence for wrong things; some have even become terrorists; whereas we can see some not so intelligent have reached gr8 heights in their professional, social and moral and humanitarian ways.
17) Money, Power and Beauty are all transient.
18) Sometimes in life I meet people who trouble me a lot, who find happiness in someone’s pain; they might trouble you too a lot, but you don’t need to leave your goodness, u don’t need to treat them the way they treat you, be patient and keep good things going day they will realize their mistake, will get influenced by your attitude and become your best friends.
19)Conversion(proselytism) is one of the evil things in this modern society; i don’t see it serves any purpose, if u want to make a difference in this world change the peoples attitude not there religion; for no religion can good or bad, its the attitude of ppl which can be bad.
20) I feel bad when people say that "i speak less", i don’t think so!, ("talking less or more is perceived in wrong way by most people"). Relatively i might be talking less compared to others, but i don’t think "speaking less" has anything to do with what you are!!!, people who talk more doesn’t mean they have "big" heart, and those talking less have some "ego problems"(as most people perceive it that way), "enmity" or some "discrimination feelings", I speak what comes to my mind, what I think is right according to me {I try to avoid commenting on someone’s personal life, avoid criticism on individual or community}, I love my friends I love all good people( I don’t hate others).
21)I think there are not really any "Bad people" in this world, its because they have not met good people, they behave like that, but i have seen the same so called "bad people" helping others in times of difficulty.
22) Its very difficult to find people who are really "Understanding", normally people will talk what they see, they will comment on you based on what you talk, how you look, how you talk etc, what they see you doing. But very few people will have the thinking power and will try to understand you and think about why actually u are like “that", and not like them.
23) Sometimes, i got series of bad experiences with "bad people", and I started thinking that everyone else too is like them; world is full of only such type of people; i feel that “one day i will be like them and treat them the way they treat me and and they will understand!!!!” or “i will teach them a good lesson!!” , until i met saw some people who are much more stronger have much more patience, who do not loose their temper and who did not leave their "goodness", in spite of having tougher times than me.
24)"As long as you believe in Humanity you need not believe in God.
25)“It is very difficult to find two people with similar thoughts and action, similar ambitions, or interests. Every person will be unique and it is quite natural if you are different from the crowd. We need to understand this and respect each others uniqueness."
26)“Some times some of the best people (good people or people who may be most similar to you) are among/around us and we fail to identify such people, just because most of the times we go by persons look, and similar things, and tend to have assumptions about such people when we do not know them properly. Sometimes we even make conclusions based on those assumptions, which are just opposite of reality. We need to come out of such assumptions and know others better before commenting on them”.
27)“A person always likes or gets associated with people who are most similar to them, but that does not mean that he doesn't like other people.
Explanation: Sometimes we see groups of people who always stay to-gather, and and its either difficult to enter in their group or difficult for you to accommodate someone else in your group, because we do not share common interests. But that does not mean that we do not like such outside people or something. Its just that we are more comfortable being with people most similar to us than someone who has different views”--My experience especially in college days.
28)“Body language or looks may no reflect what the person “really” is; some people behave differently in different environment (depending upon people around them or how comfortable/secure they feel). Human beings express themselves properly when they feel most comfortable and get encouragement; that time their “real” personality/character is being expressed / exposed."
Explanation: Many a times we see people who are seem to be passive, but that depends on where they are and how comfortable they are in that environment . In reality they are not at all passive but just they feel insecure to express themselves in that environment.
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago